Sda Ay Program Outline
Photo by elektroholunder 5. Adventist Youth Program TITLE. Below Is The Kukum Seventh Day Adventist Church Dad Awards AY Adventist Youth AY Summary The program is an award ceremony for dads with fatherly traits. Sda ay program outline . Funds-expensesnet income themes and objectives for each youth program of the year 52 in total. Good Format for Adventist Youth Society AYS Program 2020 Format suggestion for AY Program. AYS AIM THE ADVENT MESSAGE TO ALL THE WORLD IN MY GENERATION. THE OUTLINE of our AY Program. This program idea in a group dynamic setup aims to strengthen groups in the church especially the youth to review and study the Bible in relation to the events of these last days. AY Secretary can report on the activities done the previous Sabbath afternoon. History of Redemption Bible storiescharacters Adventist History etc 4. This should be the things you want to do at your event or the topics you want to cover at your training. Seventh Day Adventist Refor...